Looking for a "Make-It-Happener/CEO/Funding Magnet/Education Innovation Fanatic" who wants to change the world.
We are looking for a most unusual leader who has a latent passion for improving education from outside the box and can bring to fruition a breakthrough concept in global open education. You must be collaborative, experienced in building teams, knowledgeable of the strategy, structure and technology of Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia. You must be well connected to those others who want to make a historic contribution to educational change and empowerment of children and who have the tools and experience to do so. You realized during your early school years that "there has got to be a better way."
You will be the quarterback throwing the winning touchdown pass in the most important game in educational change you can imagine.
As such, our founding team will support you in your efforts, but you will be the leader.
As the leader, you will be the principal architect of the implementation strategy, the compensation structure, and have the authority and responsibility to carry out the mission. We provide the initial inspiration. You will get it done and make it a global phenomenon.
You will bring the tools to bear necessary for your success, including funding, brains, and muscle.
This is about changing how education is delivered. This is about using technology in the hands of children to empower all the other children. This is not a get rich-quick play. You should already be as rich as you need to be.
This project will become your life's purpose.
First: Read all the materials on this website. If it doesn't resonate, stop now. If it doesn't make sense, stop now. If you don't understand it, stop now.
Second: Think long and hard about whether you want to hitch yourself to this wagon and push with all your might.
Third: Let us know why we should consider entrusting the future of our children to you.
APPLY: Mail in a Response: [email protected]
Representative: Larry MacDonald
Edison Innovations, Inc. identifies market gaps and develops intellectual property as solutions.
In this case, the market gap was the need for 1,000,000 child tutors for other children who don't have access to adult help with their homework.
You will be the quarterback throwing the winning touchdown pass in the most important game in educational change you can imagine.
As such, our founding team will support you in your efforts, but you will be the leader.
As the leader, you will be the principal architect of the implementation strategy, the compensation structure, and have the authority and responsibility to carry out the mission. We provide the initial inspiration. You will get it done and make it a global phenomenon.
You will bring the tools to bear necessary for your success, including funding, brains, and muscle.
This is about changing how education is delivered. This is about using technology in the hands of children to empower all the other children. This is not a get rich-quick play. You should already be as rich as you need to be.
This project will become your life's purpose.
First: Read all the materials on this website. If it doesn't resonate, stop now. If it doesn't make sense, stop now. If you don't understand it, stop now.
Second: Think long and hard about whether you want to hitch yourself to this wagon and push with all your might.
Third: Let us know why we should consider entrusting the future of our children to you.
APPLY: Mail in a Response: [email protected]
Representative: Larry MacDonald
Edison Innovations, Inc. identifies market gaps and develops intellectual property as solutions.
In this case, the market gap was the need for 1,000,000 child tutors for other children who don't have access to adult help with their homework.